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How to add products

When you first join Experify, one of the most important steps is to add each product you’d like to give customers the ability to review.

To get started:

Click Product Settings under the Experify Connect menu.

From this page, click the New Product button.

Enter the product's name as the product title, and enter the category.

Next, you can add product options. These are things like color, sizes, or settings. You can add up to two different product options per product.

Note: Once a product is published, you won’t be able to edit the product options. If you need to change the options, you’ll need to archive the product and create a new one. Because of this, we highly recommend double-checking the product options you’ve entered before publishing.

Once you’re done adding product options, click Publish product.

Follow these steps for each remaining product you’d like to add.

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