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How a product owner signs up for Experify
When you invite product owners to join Experify, the process for them to sign up is easy.
Whether they join via a link you've shared on social media, or from an email sent directly from Experify, they'll be directed to your Experify landing page. When they click sign-up, they'll be brought into a flow to add some information about themselves and the products they own.

After clicking Add product, they're prompted to select which one they own and any details for the product options you included when adding your products to Experify.

After users have picked their product options, we'll ask them to share their personal experience with the product. This customer story will then be showcased on your website's Experify plugin.

Once product owners have given a detailed description of their experience, we'll guide them to a landing page. Here, they can add any extra info they might have missed, like a phone number for verification, a profile photo, or product photos. If they happen to own more than one of your products, they can add another one right from this page!